The Back Story.

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144 Stitches is the vision of Knitwear designer Michele Costa.  Since childhood, Michele has always loved fiber and texture. She considers herself just a rough around the edges goofball who discovered joy and happiness in a ball of yarn who is on a mission is to get the world into handmade cozy one stitch at a time.

For Michele, creating handmade fiber goods is a deeply intimate & personal process. She takes careful consideration when sourcing the raw material for each design. Before deciding on which fiber or material will be used for each creation, she thinks about how it will be worn and considers the customer and how will the finished product meet their needs and still be stylish.

Completely opposed to most industry or common approach, Michele begins the design process with stitchwork, on paper. She visualizes  and sketches the texture of the fabric then begins working the fabric and letting the pattern take shape. Sometimes designs come together seamlessly and quickly and sometimes it is a long and laborious process. Whichever it is, each customer can be assured the final piece was made with personal dedication, putting love and care into crafting every stitch by hand.


The Inspiration.

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One of Michele's biggest inspirations for it all, chasing her dreams, helping others succeed, passion for community and making everyday count as much as it can is her grandparents.

She proudly named her creative company after them and draws from their emigrant story every day.

Having been fortunate to travel the world, Michele also draws inspiration from many of the places she's been and sights she’s seen. This is why many of her designs are named for places and people she has met along the way.


The Collaborations.

Michele was a featured artist in the Etsy Pavilion at the 2013 Chicago One Of A Kind Show and invited back to be a full display artist since, having her work featured in the fashion show for following years as well.

Michele works closely and directly with yarn companies worldwide to source the best and highest quality offerings while maintaining focus on fair trade and sustainable fibers. Additionally, she's collaborated on exclusive designs and patterns working directly with companies from around the world with a focus on sustainable fibers.

Michele works closely with various independent yarn dyers as well and publishes Free Patterns on the Stitch & Hustle Blog. She has continued to be a leader in the creative handmade & slow fashion community.

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The Community.

Michele is incredibly grateful to have taken her love for fiber arts and passion for community and combined them to launch Stitch Up Events in 2017.

Stitch Up Events create safe spaces for fiber enthusiasts to come together and celebrate their love of fiber. Knitters and crocheters alike converging on a rooftop or in a restaurant for fiber filled fun and community.